About The Azeri Herald

The Azeri Herald is an independent media platform dedicated to providing unbiased analysis, opinion pieces, and news coverage on Azerbaijan’s domestic and foreign affairs. Situated in the pivotal Southern Caucasus region, Azerbaijan’s relationships with neighboring countries and global entities hold significant implications.

At Azeri Herald, we prioritize offering unique and critical insights into Azerbaijani foreign relations with domestic implications. Our content is entirely independent, free from any financial, ideological, or other external influences. We are committed to providing English-speaking audiences with diverse perspectives on Azerbaijani issues, reflecting a commitment to transparency and impartiality.

We welcome collaborations with like-minded individuals and organizations who share our dedication to promoting independent journalism, transparency, and freedom of expression. Upholding press freedom and ensuring the safety of our team are paramount values at Azeri Herald, as we strive to provide accurate and informative coverage aligned with fundamental human rights and freedoms.